Depression why??

There are times when explanations, no matter how reasonable, just don’t seem to help.
 Fred Rogers

The depression has become a common scenario of youths and also women’s.  But the question is why? Almost all of us are dealing with traumas, but traumas are not depression. This is to be understood at first. Now talking about depression, how has it evolved and what line is between normality and depression?

Depression is a beautiful phase of our conscience. Yes, it’s beautiful there is a reason to be it beautiful and there is my story which underlines this very thing. The reason I am describing it to be beautiful is because it straightens us from within, makes us realize about our ability and also it enables us to understand the practicality of life. I call it beautiful because I found it to be beautiful and yes, there is severe consequence which is frightening of course.

So, when I was in graduation I was facing a different kind of pull back. The pull back happened to be in the form of expectations and no doubt, wastage of time for no use. The things went like out of my hands, they just started to drift away and more I tried to pull back thing more they drifted away. I was like watching a movie in which whole world is falling. Friends, family, enjoyment I had everything still I went sliding down.  I was like just dreaming. I remember those days I failed in almost 11 subjects in my 3 years course and some subjects failure was liking I was leaving the exam hall without writing anything.
I was entirely drained out. The harder I tried to push myself in the harder my faith pushed me away. I don’t remember how many times I thought ending up my life. but my thoughts just pushed away the idea and I started to write. What I did not know but I held the pen and scrubbed it over the paper. There were reasons not only my inability to perform but several others. But later on I found out that okay, these were the things that made me mentally strong. 

Now, I am like okay, its going bad will deal and stick to it. it will improve and then I will accelerate. Depression is beautiful because it enhances our capability to think and rationalize, calms our nerves while dealing with traumas and also makes us believe good time comes we just need to be patient.
So, it’s okay to feel low but feeling low is not depression, depression is only beautiful when you realize the lessons inhibited in that state. Remember everything stabilize one just need to think calmly and stay positive and firm.


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