Where is the excitement of knowledge

We learn, we grow, we implement and we pass on and the cycle continues. The knowledge we inherit we pass on and the next generation further pass on but where is the excitement of knowledge. We are running in a split to learn things, technical things, or may be enhancement things which add on to our skills but does this add on’s gives the same kick as your excitement of knowledge gives?

The answer is no. one can observe this excitement has a different level of energy and observation while knowledge just for add on gives a boundary of restriction. One finds it harder to explore the depth of things when only knowledge is supporting tool. But, with excitement of knowledge one is able to understand the fathom of the land lying beneath the sea.

I don’t know if I could ever inculcate the knowledge I had gathered with my hard work to the excitement because I felt never to explore the depths of concept I was involved in. it was just a thing of mugging up and jotting down. It is not the excitement but it is a pressure. My excitement thrilled me to explore the thought process but amidst this busy schedule of studies I never could give my thought a shape.

According to me, the problem that binds our excitement in learning is the competitive atmosphere and the set up which are causing chaos. The thoughts must not be bounded but it must be opened and let travel around. The busy schedule of life, studies, job, company, time, home are okay and if it is pushing you to a state of depression then do think over the topic “where is the excitement of knowledge for you”?

Most of us are in a state where we think that what next, where to land now? The answer to this is not set up because one is only in a specter to enhance his or her skill and not to be excited to inculcate knowledge. I did face the same scenario, binding the thought is like chaining down the empathy of mind. And all that makes mind a beautiful hub of expression are thoughts.

Give thoughts a vision with excitement of knowledge and not the complexity of knowledge as alpha, beta, and gamma are not knowledge but a expression to simplify the knowledge. The knowledge is what creates you and excitement is what shapes you. Add excitement with knowledge and make your thoughts a beautiful piece of expression.

“the thoughts that empowers crowds have excitement with knowledge and that is where the excitement of knowledge leads us to"


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